Webpack 4.0 was released a few days ago. I happened to be in the middle of updating an older app and decided to jump to this version; especially because the webpack team is claiming a significant improvement in compile times (up to 98%!).
One of the common optimizations is to split the vendor and application code, which I did. With webpack 4 that functionality has been changed significantly and turned into core functionality. So, this requires some changes to your webpack config. In my case, I was splitting the vendors by manually specifying the packages in the entry and then using the CommonsChunkPlugin
to generate the separate bundle.
entry: { app: "./js/app.js", vendors: [ "jquery", "lodash", "react", "react-router-dom", "react-hot-loader", "redux", "react-redux", "rxjs", "material-ui", "moment", "prop-types", "redux-observable", "pouchdb", "react-dom", "html-to-text", "material-ui-icons", "style-loader", "react-select" ] }, // And then later in the config... plugins: [ // ... new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({name: "vendors", filename: "vendors.bundle.js"}) // ... ],
I was basically packaging everything in node_modules
in the separate file. My simple approach to this splitting was simplified even more with webpack 4. Now, I can accomplish the same, but I don’t have to individually specify the files. I am guessing that there was a better way to accomplish this in webpack <4, but I never took the time to research it. Anyways, here is what this config looks like for webpack 4.
entry: { app: "./js/app.js" }, // And then later in the config. optimization: { splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { commons: { test: /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/, name: "vendors", chunks: "all" } } } }
You also no longer need the CommonsChunkPlugin
in the plugins
section so you will also have to remove or comment that config.
In my case, I also had hardcoded the output filename, so, with the above changes that section also needed to be updated as shown below. In my case, I added the dynamic [name]
output: { path: __dirname + "/assets", filename: "[name].bundle.js" },
With the above changes, I was good to go with webpack 4 and ready to appreciate the faster compile times 🙂