We have a traffic tie! The highest number of unique visitors to my previous website was 163 which the new website has hit today! This is the first month of the new website and the CMS. With about a week left till the end of this month I think I am going to have a new high this month :). I realize this isn’t too many visitors but it’s a good start.
I have been very, very busy with what’s going on in my life. I am pretty much overwhelmed by all the changes and the decisions that I am having to make. Honestly, I have never had to make any major decisions before (at least decision that I thought were major) and now it’s like someone has opened the flood gates! But, I am thinking this is good because you know what they say "Anything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger." Furthermore, the good thing is that I realize that I have a lot to learn and I think I know which pieces I might be missing and how I should prioritize my learning :-D.