Have you heard of geometric psychology? I just listened to part of an old Career Track seminar by Susan Dellinger and thought it was a very interesting idea, you should definitely check it out. Here is a link to her website.

A few weeks ago I heard about Ruby on Rails so I went to the Rails website and saw the demo. I was impressed. The demo showed a framework that I have always had a blurry image of, plus a gazillion more things that I didn’t even know you could do. So I decided I was going to try it out. Since then I have read several online tutorials and bought a book about it (Agile Web Development with Rails, probably the only book available on the market, and a good one). You have to realize that I have never touched Ruby before so that meant some extra learning on top of the uber extensive framework. I am starting to understand the whole framework very well and getting fluent at it. That is what has been consuming most of my after-work time.

Work, as always, has been taking a lot of time. But stay tuned for some good Rails related stuff…

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