HTML Applications are a very nice option when it comes to small, easily changeable scripts. With such applications you can use your knowledge of HTML, CSS and DHTML to give rich user experience without the overhead of large executable files. HTML applications use Internet Explorer’s already built engine. Here you can find one that I wrote, this script moves files from all the sub-directories in a given directory to the main directory. As it’s moving the files it appends the directory crumb to the name of the file. So if a file, say “MyDoc.doc”, is in a directory called "MyDir" then the file will be named "MyDir – MyDoc.doc". To use this just click here and save the target file as moveFiles.hta and double click on it.

The legal tidbits: I assume no liability or responsibility for errors or inaccuracies. Please understand that you will be using this software at your own risk.

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