
A few months ago I was looking for add-ons for Windows that would emulate the most common Linux window managers’ ALT+Right-click window resize and ALT+Left-lick window move features, when I stumbled upon Nuonsoft’s ShellEnhancer. Originally I was using it mainly for just those two features, but as time passed I started utilizing more of it’s features like the “Always on Top” context menu entry. One of the issues that I had was that it wouldn’t deal well with one of the mains programs we used at work.

Well, finally Nuonsoft has released ShellEnhancer 3.0, which is quite an improvement. The best part is the hot key feature, for which I am currently using GeoShell. If only ShellEnhancer had some way of popping up menus, I would replace GeoShell with it. Checkout the long list of changes and bug fixes. If you are looking for ways of improving your computing productivity, make sure you check out this utility.

For your task switching needs, ShellEnhancer also has a built in ALT-TAB replacement, but I still prefer the features that TaskSwitchXP provides. If you are only looking for the window moving functionality then there is always the KDE Mouse Emulator.

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