So, out of excitement I decided to go to the nearest Best Buy to ask about the new Zune 80 – which I have already pre-ordered – and check if they already had them out on the floor since it was the very end of the day. Best Buy was my only option because I knew CompUSA would have already closed since it was after 9pm and I didn’t check if Circuit City was be open. Anyways, I was able to talk to a knowledgeable Best Buy employee who told me that they already have the Zune 4 and the Zune 8 in the back, but, the surprising part was that he said that they don’t have any Zune 80; those are only being sold online. Furthermore, he said that he wasn’t aware of them getting any in the near future.

Now that I am back and it’s after 10pm, I am thinking I should have gone to Circuit City instead since they are also open till 10. Anyways, don’t bother going a Best Buy store if you are only looking for the Zune 80. If you want to buy it from Best Buy then your only option is to order it through their website.

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