Earlier today I went to the Pearl Market in Beijing to check out what kind of stuff they had. Being a geek, electronics really got my attention, especially the prices. I knew most of the stuff was fake and I had heard about USB drive capacity issues, but I wanted to experience it first hand 🙂 So, I went a head and bought a 16GB flash drive. I had them plug it in and Windows reported 16GB. I also had them copy some data, but it was interesting because as more and more files were being copied the seller was getting nervous. I knew something was wrong. I was still curious so I went ahead and purchased it anyways. Once I got back to my room I decided to run a few tests and below are the results for your amusement. Remember that this is supposed to be a 16GB drive 🙂
Warning: Only 16138 of 16140 MByte tested. The media is likely to be defective. 446.7 MByte OK (914944 sectors) 15.3 GByte DATA LOST (32135680 sectors) Details:0 KByte overwritten (0 sectors) 0 KByte slightly changed (< 8 bit/sector, 0 sectors) 15.3 GByte corrupted (32135680 sectors) 0 KByte aliased memory (0 sectors) First error at offset: 0x0000000000000008 Expected: 0x0000000000000011 Found: 0x0000000000000000 H2testw version 1.3 Writing speed: 19.0 MByte/s Reading speed: 7.39 MByte/s H2testw v1.4
Also, on the right side is a picture of a fake 8GB iPhone.